Separating or Divorcing

Separating or Divorcing Ottawa Property Gals are here to Help!

If you are Separating or Divorcing from your partner or spouse and have questions concerning your first steps towards either Listing and Selling your shared home, having your partner or spouse buy you out or vice versa, looking to purchase after your current home is sold then we are the agents to call for advice! We have the expertise, knowledge and support team that can help you.  We know that separating and or divorcing your partner isn't an easy time. Selling can be just as stressful. We sit down with you and our team of recommended experts and can give you what you need to make an informed decision. We are there to help you through each step. We never take sides and can work with both parties and make sure everyone is included throughout the entire process. Our goal is to make the process as smooth and stress free as possible.  If you have questions about possibly selling your home while undergoing a separation or divorce, then call us anytime.
We are sensitive to your needs, always listening.
